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From my archives. Same "platform." Different time. I have worked with many to effect change. Now, it's time that I take my resolve and realize the next phase of my evolution with you - "We, The People." Yes, I have run for City Council. And yes, I did not "win." Yes, I ran for House of Representatives. And, didn't "win." However, the ultimate goal was not necessarily "winning." I've been showing you who I am and what I stand for ... and what I can do to effect the change we all seek. I've been showing you that I don't change my mind or stance "with the wind" ... I've been showing you that my resolve is consistent and that I take the greater good seriously. I've been showing you that you can trust and depend on me. I've been showing you that I've continued to grow, unlearn, and learn. I've shown you my skill set rich in academia and experience, empathy and efficacy. I’ve shown you that #impeopletoo™️ I've shown you that I am factually non-partisan despite having to "take a side" to avoid any impediment in running for office. I've shown you that "my party" includes "all y'all" ... My immediate goal was to introduce myself to you ... and now that you know I am Tigress "Queen Get 'Er Done" McDaniel ... it is now time ... we've got work to do. Join me. #dontletthemfoolyou #ibeenme #wegotsomeshittogetdone #idocursesometimes 😁 #iwontduringsessions 🤣 #illwaituntilafter #joinme #ineedyou #wethepeople Follow me on Twitter as well @seetigressrun and thank you most sincerely for your continued support. #allyallparty™️ #impeopletoo

Coverage, News & POVs:

Racial Discrimination at Goodwill in Concord, NC by GW Employees Karen Anna et alii & Concord Police Franklin, Yates & Brown

  • Facebook
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  • TikTok
Date of Incident: December 9, 2023
Date of Publication: January 14, 2024 
Updated: August 5, 2024
Goodwill Complaint 
Goodwill Initial Response 
Concord Police Dept Complaint
Concord Police Dept
Initial Response
Goodwill of the
Southern Piedmont's
counsel's absurd and
racially charged "legal arguments" in its Motion to Dismiss

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

As I shared in my video(s), appearing on the left, through which I provide details regarding the racism, sexism, Karen's and Ken's and unprofessionalism I experienced at Goodwill on Poplar Tent Road in Concord, NC, on December 9, 2023, I honestly did NOT expect my video to go viral.


I did, however, fully intend it to go viral, but due to recent voter disenfranchisement and devolution of society generally, I just wasn't confident, except of course that my core supporters and that expanded network would result in significant reach.

On January 11, 2024, I did submit my complaint to Goodwill. And they did recently respond with an apology arguably laced with pacification, which is, of course, highly inappropriate, and also committed to investigate the incident. I'm conceding to their investigation objectively and remain open-minded for their own reckoning with the factual racially prejudice nature of what we experienced and their admission of the same to me in a formal apology or official correspondence.


I am pursuing an IA investigation into officers Franklin, Brown and Yates. On January 15, 2024, I submitted a complaint to the Concord Police Department (hereinafter "CPD"), for which they acknowledged receipt.

As of March 5, 2024, neither Goodwill nor CPD responded to my complaints with an update or conclusory findings for theit investigation. Accordingly, having no relief and remedy, I initiated a formal legal complaint, 24CVS821

As of March 20, 2024, CPD and Goodwill have been served.


I will keep you updated here, as well as on my personal professional platform @TigressIsAVerb


Find links on the left under my videos for all relevant documents, i.e. my Goodwill complaint, email and/or correspondence record with Internal Affairs, et cetera.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at As a veteran business legitmacy coach, I am a huge proponent for URLs specific to one's corporate brand; however, such costs for the same over the years have not balanced out with my ROI sooo ... whereas I continue to pay the fees required to maintain ownership of my custom domains, with the increase in hosting fees and such, I have decided not to continue my business email services. This may change in the future and I'll update you when I resume use of my custom business emails like


I am also available to appear and speak at events and on podcasts, radio programs and the like. Please send your proposal and/or inquiry to

Kind Regards,


Update: August 5, 2024 1:39 pm

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

On yesterday, I went LIVE to give you an update regarding this case. Here is the link for your viewing convenience.

As committed during that LIVE, I have uploaded Defendant Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont's counsel's absurd and contemptuous racially charged "legal arguments" in its Motion to Dismiss. Find the link to the downloadable copy per uze to your left. 

Remember, case records are generally public, so you can access the entirety of this case record at Cabarrus County courthouse at your convenience.

Kind regards,


Retaliatorily Falsified Authorized Practice Complaint
By Former TEG Member Shemeka Smith &
My Complaint For Defamation and Malicious Prosecution

Dates of Materiality: June 9 - October 16, 2023 
Date of Publication: January 17, 2024
Updated: June 3, 2024
McDaniel v. Smith et alii
McDaniel v. Smith et alii
Default Judgment Entered
In My Favor Against Smith
Smith's NC Bar Complaint Against Me

May 24, 2024 NC Bar

Formal Complaint for


(Wake County Civil Superior)

June 11, 2024 My Notice of Removal from Wake County Civil Superior Court to Federal Tribunal

June 17, 2024 My Answer, Counterclaim for Injunction and Affirmative Defenses, and Affidavity

June 17, 2024 My Affidavit

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

Regarding my complaint, default judgment has been entered in my favor against Shemeka Smith. The case remains pending litigation for determination of my judgment award and my claims against Smith's partner, Krysta KJ Johnson, and their co-conspirator, Brittany Johnson.


 Regarding Smith's retaliatorily falsified complaint against me maliciously and frivolously alleging that I committed unauthorized practice of law, I underwent the hearing on January 17, 2024, at which point the committee voted in favor of injunction against TEG. The decision is without merit, as even a layperson can see from the video (appearing to your left) and thus I am proceeding accordingly for relief.

Smith's deplorable and civilly and criminally unlawful conduct is exactly why I persist upon advocating for a REVISED BLACK CODE. Read my complaint (link to the left) which details how she attempted to defraud me and the court in asserting that the father of their child had abused her and their daughter, and further how she willfully disobeyed the child custody order. Because I refused to help her in such fraud which would've unjustly subjected a Black father to gross denial of his parental rights and criminal liability for domestic violence, which was shown that he did not commit, in criminal retaliation, Smith filed the NC Bar complaint and TWO complaints for a temporary restraining order, both of which were denied, and thus constituted sufficient grounds to initiate my complaint for malicious prosecution. 


Update: June 3, 2024 3:51 pm

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

On today, I received a copy of the summons and Wake County complaint, 24CV016269-910, from the NC Bar regarding Shameka's Smith's knowingly falsified and retaliatory complaint for practicing law without a license.

If you're here, then you most likely read my post on today at or @seetigressun or @tigressiaverb and accordingly do not need me to restate all that I shared. However, if you are revisiting this website and are not aware of that post, please do visit the link above to read my update. 


I strongly believe that this complaint shall set a historical precedent. 

I'll update you accordingly.

Kind Regards,


Update: June 11, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

I removed the NC Bar's frivolous and notably malicious complaint from state court to the federal tribunal. Find a downloadable copy of the date stamped pleading to the left.

On yesterday, I received electronic notice that my Notice of Removal had been properly filed and assigned a case number. Dever, the judge subject to my judicial complaint for defamatory remarks about me, has unsurprisingly assigned himself to my case. I have moved for his immediate and permanent recusal from all of my cases, present and future.

I'll update you accordingly.

Kind Regards,


Update: June 24, 2024 at 6:05 pm

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

On today, I received electronic notice confirming that my June 17, 2024 Answer, Counterclaim and Affirmative Defenses and Affidavit were properly filed in case record on June 21, 2024. Find a downloadable copy of the date stamped pleading to the left.

Kind regards,



Dates of Materiality: 2013 - present day 
Date of Publication: February 2, 2024

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

Regarding my complaint for INJUNCTION against Emily Jeffords Meister, T. Keith Black, The Estate of Richard Long Huffman Jr., Michelle Feimster Bailey, Christopher Loebsack, Page Morgan, Jonathan Todt, Elizabeth King, Caren Enloe, Elizabeth O'Brien, F. lane Williamson, Jonathan Buchan, Melissa Jamie Woods, Anthony Burts III, the State of North Carolina and its agents, Anna Mills Wagoner, Carla Archie, Lisa Bell, George Bell, Ty Hands, Katrina Watson, Webb, Eagles, Mitchell Woodard et alii, you can find updates here.

Their corruptly conspired web of torts and crimes against me has come to a head in that they've inadvertently created a clear record via corrupt undertakings that were effectuated manipulating procedural legal tools like motions and other pleadings.

Take a look at my most recent February 1, 2024 Affidavit filed with the court(s) in all relevant cases on February 2, 2024. 


I will keep you updated on my relief and remedy.


Kind Regards,


McDaniel v. NC alii
February 1, 2024 Affidavit

UNCC's Discriminatory Denial of My INES PhD Application: Acts In The Furtherance of the Pattern and Practice of Judicial and Attorney Fraud, Public Corruption, Racial Discrimination, Conspiracy, and Political Bullying Instigated By Meister, Huffman, Bailey, Judge Lisa Bell, Judge George Bell, Judge Carl Fox, Judge Anna Mills Wagoner, Judge Spainhour, Judge Carla Archie, Magistrate Judge Katrina Watson, Judge Elizabeth Trosch, State and its Agents et alii

Date of Application: December 1, 2023
Date of Publication: March 24, 2024 

Good Day Charlotte and beyond,

I'm currently in litigation for several of my pending matters, markedly claims that arise from the pattern and practice of fraud, public corruption, conspiracy, racial discrimination, and political bullying to and otherwise through which I've been victimized, defamed, unjustly and maliciously subjected to public and the court disdain, discreditation, ostracization, and deprivation of my constitutionally inviolate rights, including but not limited to fair trial, inherent and explicit to due process rights, rights to access the courts, equal protections under the laws and civil rights. UNCC's unjust scrutiny of these exigent matters, maliciously and prejudicially manipulated to deny my PhD application, is yet another step in the furtherance of the conspiracy, fraud and large-scale coverup. Linked to the video left of this article is a playlist of explainer videos to fully inform about all to which I've been subjected.


On December 1, 2024, I applied.


On February 19, 2024, UNCC noticed me with a letter denying my application, yet providing absolutely no reasons for such denial.


On March 15, 2024, I appealed. Find the contents of my appeal here.

Next week, ending March 31, 2024, I will be going live to update you on my relief and remedy.

Kind Regards,


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